Plasma-Rich Platelets (PRP)

Plasma-rich platelets (PRP)

Our blood is made of plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets. These platelets help our blood clot and produce growth factor proteins that are essential for healing, stimulating growth of cells and rejuvenation of the skin.

PRP Facial Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is used in restoring youthful-looking facial skin. PRP facial treatment is a non-surgical way of eliminating the wrinkles and sagging that add years to your appearance. At Hebe Aesthetics and Vitality, we are delighted to bring you this non-invasive method of rejuvenating tired-looking skin. This simple procedure can leave you looking younger and more vibrant without surgery and without injecting synthetic substances into your body.

How does PRP Therapy Works?

During a session blood is taken from a vein and placed inside of a device that separates the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma rich with platelets and growth factors, is then added into a syringe, then applied to the skin using a micro needling device. These growth factors, along with other bioactive proteins, stimulate and rejuvenate cells. In the case of PRP therapy for facial rejuvenation, new cells are produced, and collagen begins to form adding volume to the area and eliminating thin skin, wrinkles and scaring from acne. PRP uses your body’s natural healing system to restore a youthful look, unlike other fillers which use synthetic substances.

Benefits PRP facial rejuvenation offers

  • Increased collagen production
  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines
  • Tightening and toning the skin
  • Reducing acne damage and scarring
  • Lessening dark under-eye circles
  • Minimizing crow’s feet
  • Reducing sun damage
  • Producing healthier skin


Micro needling is the process of creating  very tiny punctures of the skin using our FDA-approved micro needling pen that allows for the skin to stimulate the body’s natural healing system. This promotes rejuvenation of the skin from inside out. The micro needling aids in activating more collagen and elastin to promote healthy and glowing appearance in skin. The results are naturally long-lasting and an incredible method to decrease fine lines, blemishes, and acne scars.


    • Improves fine lines and wrinkles
    • Lightens signs of hyperpigmentation
    • Decreases appearance of pores
    • Increase collagen and elastin production
    • Diminishes acne scars
    • Smoothes skin texture
    • Minimal to no down-time
    • It is recommended to have a minimum of 3 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart for maximum benefit
    • Contraindications: skin cancer

    Most patients are good candidates for facial micro-needling with PRP, with few contraindications to treatment existing. It may not be the best option for you if you are pregnant

    • use or recently used Accutane for acne
    • still have active acne resulting in new scarring
    • have certain skin conditions, such as facial eczema or rosacea
    • scar easily have a history of poor wound healing
    • have undergone skin radiation in the last 12 months.

    PRP for hair restoration

    For many women, their hair is their crowning glory, and what man does not want a head full of hair to make him look younger and full of vitality? Hebe Aesthetics and Vitality is proud to provide our clients with high-quality, minimally invasive techniques, with platelet rich plasma therapy, or PRP, for hair loss. For people who experience hair loss and for those who have had adverse side effects with hair loss from medications, PRP hair growth injections may be the type of therapy that you are searching for. This non-surgical approach to stimulate hair growth is proving to be a successful option for men and women alike.

      What is PRP hair restoration?

      PRP (platelet-rich plasma) hair restoration is a hair loss treatment that utilizes your body’s own plasma to grow cells, repair tissue, and promote new hair growth. Over a series of PRP treatments administered via micro-needling, these growth factors can help men and women who have certain hair conditions such as especially androgenetic alopecia to restore hair growth. 

        How Does PRP Work?

        Platelets in human blood promote the healing of wounds in the body. When we become cut or wounded, our platelets rush to the rescue by preventing bleeding. This helps the injury heal as quickly as possible. This same “rescue application” can be applied to dormant hair follicles to stimulate brand new hair growth. During a standard PRP hair restoration session, your scalp will be cleansed, and you will be given a topical anesthetic to help minimize any discomfort. A small amount of blood is taken from a vein and placed inside of a device that separates the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma, rich with platelets and growth factors, is then added into a syringe, which is then injected into the scalp using a micro needling device to stimulate hair regrowth. These substances are thought to help with hair growth. These PRP hair injections are reported to be very tolerable with the help of the topical anesthetic. Keep in mind that everyone has a different experience with this type of treatment. A consultation and exam with our medical professionals will determine if you are a likely candidate for this method of hair growth stimulation.

          PRP for Hair Restoration: Am I a Candidate?

          What Stage of Hair Loss Are You In?

          PRP treatment works best when you catch hair loss early. If most of your hair is already gone or you have been bald for a while, PRP won’t be able to fully restore the hair in that area. That is why it’s so important to come talk to us right away as soon as you notice your hair beginning to thin.

            What’s the Skin in the Area Like?

            For most people, the skin on our scalp remains largely protected from the sun by our hair. But if your hair has been thinning a while or there is some other issue at play, the skin might not be in good enough shape for the PRP to work. If you have experienced frequent sunburns in the area, for example, you can expect some improvement but won’t see a full return to your natural head of hair.

            What’s Your General Health Like?

            PRP come from your own blood. This is good news in that it means there are no drugs, foreign materials, or chemicals needed, so you don’t have to worry about rejection or allergic reactions. However, it also means you need to be in good general health. If, for example, you’re suffering from anemia, we won’t be able to take your blood to extract the PRP. PRP is also not a good treatment for anyone with cancer. If your overall health, however, is generally fine, this could be the perfect treatment for you.

              Do You Have Any Malignancy Infections?

              Any malignancy can potentially be transferred by your blood from one area to another. Malignancy causes uncontrolled cell division, leading to tumor growth. If you’re suffering from a malignancy infection, such as blood cancer, or any infection of the blood, it’s best not to get PRP treatment.


              Are You a Smoker?

              Smoking harms your health in almost every conceivable way. One of the many health issues it causes is reduced platelet count. Since platelets are the first P in PRP, they are crucial to successful PRP for hair restoration. In smokers, it is not uncommon to require three times the amount of blood to get the same number of platelets, which simply may not be possible. If you smoke, let your thinning hair be your motivation to finally give it up. Once you have stopped smoking for long enough, PRP can be an option for restoring your hair.

                Are You a Heavy Drinker?

                Moderate drinking does not mean you can’t undergo PRP therapy, but if you drink heavily on a regular basis, you’ll need to cut back so your body can make enough stem cells for the PRP to restore your hair. As with smoking, consider your thinning hair a motivation to drink more moderately.


                Are Your Hair Follicles Still Working?

                PRP therapy works best for people with hair follicles that still work but are simply lying dormant. Follicles can die off due to old age or poor nutrition, among other issues, so it’s important to seek treatment from medical professionals who can help you understand the reasons behind your hair loss and the best treatment for it.

                  Are You Pregnant?

                  Out of an abundance of caution, it is usually best to wait until after pregnancy for many cosmetic treatments, PRP included. While PRP is not a harmful substance that could hurt a fetus, pregnant mothers can have blood pressure too low to allow for a safe blood draw, among other concerns.
